What people say
I'd like to acknowledge your compassionate and professional manner that so quickly and successfully engaged our daughter (not easy), reassuring not only her but also us as parents.” April 2021
“I am so grateful for your involvement and helping us through this. Although on the surface things may look bad, I have learnt how to understand and parent (my daughter) and now know how to fight for what she needs. She talks to me more and I know I can keep her safe.” March 2021
That letter is great, thank you so much. It feels like a struggle at times to get the help needed and I am so very grateful for Dr Short’s help and yours too. January 2021

Thank you for all of the support you have given us and our son. You've made a huge difference to our family over the last year, and we'll be forever grateful that you were able to help our son deal with what happened to him
I have heard first hand from (my patient) how helpful she finds your sessions. I am in no doubt that she benefits from an open-minded approach aimed at building her resilience.
very helpful insights and wisdom
...really impressed by the care and attention to detail you used in your report.
we are a much happier family now...
I honestly don't think we could have got here without you
The journeys to & from Bristol for my son’s appointments with you have been more than worthwhile for the excellent support you have given him.
We would like to say a huge thank you to you for your help, especially the way you created a safe and constructive space for us to listen to each other.
He seems to be much more settled and confident, and looks forward to his Wednesdays! Thank you for all you are doing to support us.
We are very happy with the way you have engaged with the children, have taken the time to get to understand their issues and have earned their trust. You have a talent for what you do and the sessions have been very helpful.

We would not be where we are now without your support and quiet belief...I hope you know how good you are.